Sunday, March 29, 2009


The sickening, screw up your head, make your eyes water when you try to swallow it, fade into oblivion medicine. Where's Dawn with that water when I need it? Ahhhh. Anyway, if this post is a little sloopy, plaease forgive me. Thankshh.
So we took a small leap of faith in my idea and invested a little bit of money into it. I have always been an idea man, kind of like Michael Keaton in Night Shift... anyone see that one? I bought it out of the 5 dollar bin at Walmart a few years back. It wasn't a good as I remembered, but still had it's moments. Anyway, in the movie, Michael Keaton is always coming up with these hare-brained schemes and never following through with them. Mine are not quite so hare-brained, but the following through has always been a bit of an issue with me. Not quite sure why. Friday and Saturday night, we took steps 1 and 2 to ensure that this isn't just another thing we end up chasing for a short time and blow off. I think you'll like it when we are ready to show it... hoping by the end of next week.
That's it for now. I'm about to go off into never never land. Sunday will be a big day for us methinks. I gotta get some rest. John

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